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Diagnostic And Corrective Hysteroscopic Surgeries (Polpectomy, Septum Resection )

Hysteroscopy is a treatment in which a doctor looks inside a woman’s uterus with the help of a device called “hysteroscopy” to diagnose any problem and treat them as well. Any problem like heavy bleeding during the menstrual cycle, fibroids, or any other anomaly which can interfere with pregnancy.

Hysteroscopy is performed using a thin and low weight stretchable tube which is known as a hysteroscope, it is inserted into the vagina to identify the problem in the cervix and inside the uterus. Hysteroscopy is a diagnostic tool as well as correcting procedure.

Diagnostic Hysteroscopy

It is done to see and evaluate shape, any suspicoius lesion in the uterine cavity. It is a painless procedure. It can be done in office settings. It is 100 percent confirmatory test.

Operative Hysteroscopy

Operative hysteroscopy is performed to fix an abnormal condition that has been found while diagnostic hysteroscopy. If an abnormal condition was detected during the diagnostic hysteroscopy, an operative hysteroscopy can often be performed at the same time, avoiding the need for a second surgery. Small equipment is used to fix the abnormal condition during operative hysteroscopy that is inserted through the hysteroscope.

Benefits of Hysteroscopy

  • Improved rates of conception
  • Improved response of lining
  • Improvement in cases of recurrent pregnancy loss
  • Daycare procedure (Discharge from the hospital in a few hours)
  • Shorter hospital stay